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    分类:有夫之妇 韩国  2024 







    "I'm sorry to see brother so put out about this water work."
    "It's your brother's way, Mrs. Moss; I'd never anything o' that sort before I was married," said Mrs.Tulliver, with a half-implied reproach. She always spoke of her husband as "your brother" to Mrs. Moss in any case when his line of conduct was not matter of pure admiration. Amiable Mrs. Tulliver, who was never angry in her life, had yet her mild share of that spirit without which she could hardly have been at once a Dodson and a woman. Being always on the defensive toward her own sisters, it was natural that she should be keenly conscious of her superiority,even as the weakest Dodson, over a husband's sister,who, besides being poorly off, and inclined to "hang on" her brother, had the good-natured submissiveness of a large, easy-tempered, untidy, prolific woman,with affection enough in her not only for her own husband and abundant children, but for any number of collateral relations.



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