@ 人物线交织并且HE还是皆大欢喜的。唱歌的手法新颖但是作词作曲有点拖后腿。卖花女和送货郎的感情发展太快了。最喜欢同性恋人和卖花女底迪那对学生恋人。
@加贝同学推荐的电影。In the aftermath of the 2016 Kashmir unrest, a young local field agent, Zooni Haksar, is picked out by Rajeshwari Swaminathan from the Prime Minister's Office for a top-secret mission. Their aim? Cracking down on terrorism and putting an end to the billion dollar conflict economy in the valley, by doing the absolute impossible - Abrogating the notorious Article 370. That too, without spilling a single drop of innocent blood.