「Everybody's here to help me. That's why I need help.」「This is not about refusal. This... this is about the right to refuse.」「What good does it do if you win my case, you make other people's lives better, but you don't live your own life?」「Tell me I'm not right. Just tell me I'm not right.」「I'm out of practice praying. But I know you're not out of practice listening.」「You were a brave woman, Eleanor.」「We weren't just working on a case. That this wasn't just about law. It was about people. The human right to be respected, and the human duty to treat each other with respect.」剧本还是挺不错的,人物都挺有个性,除了周董之外所有演员都发挥的不错,尤其黄秋生的藤原老爸堪称一个生涯经典形象,酷毙了!也可以看到当时陈冠希的星路潜力。花哨剪辑则过度滥用,前半部分不分场合的升格降格抽帧快闪,旋转轨道镜头,就如廉价广告片,连车赛都剪的很乱,直到决战才剪的逻辑清楚了点一名刑事辩护律师接下一起艺术家被指控谋杀的案件。从此,她必须在家庭、责任和自己危险的欲望之间做出抉择。